Michaelis Custodia is claimed area in Gasperaux, which is in south eastern P.E.I.
This territory is 16.9 km², Although this territory is claimed by Golgotha-Hesperia, only a small portion is actually controlled.
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Insula Ulterir is a claimed territory located in the western side of the Monteregie Quebec administrative region.
The territory is 4.37 ha, none of it is actually controlled.
Centalis is a claimed territory located in central area of the Monteregie Quebec administrative region.
The territory is 0.641 km², the only controlled territory are little isolated areas.
Iuidicium AEternam is a claimed territory in Quebec.
The territory's size is unknown, 0% of the territory is controlled.
Caelum Centrale is a claimed territory in western Monteregie.
The territory is 0.080 ha, and 100% of it is controlled.